Environmental Science

Our textbooks for the introductory environmental science course employ case studies and active learning to connect students to the world around them. Exploring texts and resources which support understanding of research and real life applications.

Achieve for Environmental Science

Achieve is our online learning system backed by extensive development and research. Proven to increase student engagement and boost performance.

Find Out More

A screenshot of the online Achieve site shows an E-book titled Environmental Science 100 under the profile Greta Bell. The table of contents is present on the left and a photograph of grazing giraffes and zebras in Savanna is on the right of the page.

Achieve offers:

Access to the ebook to download, read and virtually annotate for a completely flexible experience
Course and book-specific resources resources including adaptive quizzing to personalise the experience for students
A grade book, assignable assessments with targeted feedback, insights and reporting, instructor resources - all with seamless integration options.
Integrated with iClicker so that instructors and students can benefit in class and remotely from an industry leading student response system.
A circular icon for Animated Assessment Questions reference shows a dialogue box with a question mark at the center. Animated Assessment Questions reference infographics in the text to extend students comprehension of the concepts.
A circular icon for decision point simulations activity shows a compass at the center. Decision point simulations activity help students see and understand the complexity with environmental decisions. Students are able to “choose their own adventure” while making their way through the activity.

Bestselling Environmental Science Titles

A book cover titled Environmental Science for a Changing World, Fourth Edition, by Susan Karr shows a photograph of natural vegetation on the left and plantation on the right. A logo shows Macmillan Learning partnering with Scientific American.

Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World

A book cover titled Essentials of Environmental Science, Second Edition, authored by Andrew Friedland and Rick Relyea shows a photograph of a tree captured during the sunset.

Essentials of Environmental Science

Cover: Conservation Science: Balancing The Needs of People and Nature, Second Edition, by Peter Kareiva and Michelle Marvier. The cover depicts a young child holding large leaves and smiling at the camera.

Conservation Science: Balancing the Needs of People and Nature